Ranok Creative

Interesting Experiments With Instant Effect

<h10><strong><font color="#ff0000"></font></strong></h10>Interesting Experiments With Instant Effect
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The set «Interesting experiments with instant effect» will give young scientists the chance to perform a lot of interesting and cognitive experiments independently at home. Chemical reactions will occur right in front of your eyes in a split second. Results of these experiments can be seen immediately. 19 experiments.

• Code: 12160552À
• Size: 18,5õ24õ7 cm
• Age: 8+
• TM (Trade Mark): Ranok Creative
• The kit contains:
Soluble water glass (Sodium Silicate, Na20(Si02)
Blue copper (copper (II) sulphatTest tubes e, CuSO4 )
Calcium chloride (CaCl2)
Wooden stick
Glass spreading rod
Graduated beaker
Petri dish
Cooking salt (Sodium chloride, NaCl)
Sodium acetate (CH3COONa)
Test-tube holder
Rubber stopper
Filter paper
Plastic bags with a zipper
Food dye
Baking soda (Sodium hydrogen carbonate, NaHCO₃)
Corn starch (C6H10O5)n
1 dice
Oil base
1 piece of white fabric
Rubber band
1 sheet of white paper
Plastic cups
Protective gloves
Protective glasses
1 sheet with a picture
Detailed instructions
Products → Sets of Experiments → Science Games → Interesting Experiments → Interesting Experiments With Instant Effect