Ranok Creative

Body Scrub & Bath Salt. Coffee with Cinnamon

Body Scrub & Bath Salt. Coffee with Cinnamon
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Aromatic shampoos, hair conditioners and shower gels enriched with natural essential oils, body scrub and bath salt! Make them with your own hands using natural ingredients. Impress everyone with beauty of your glossy hair and velvety skin!

• Code: 15160284А
• Size: 11,5х11,5х20 cm
• Age: 9+
• TM (Trade Mark): Ranok Creative
• The kit contains:
sea salt
green tea
ground coffee
oil base sugar
food dye
plastic spoon
stickers with name of scrub and sea salt
dried mint
essential oil
plastic containers
detailed instructions
Products → Kits for Girls → Your Spa Salon → Body Scrub & Bath Salt. Coffee with Cinnamon